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What are Nominee Services?
A Nominee service is a legal way of protecting the identity and anonymity of the company beneficial owner. The main function of nominee directors or shareholders is to maintain the anonymity of the real beneficial owner by taking their place in all public records relating to the company and non-governmental bodies.
Nominee Directors
We will provide you with a copy of the nominee’s passport and proof of their address. The Nominee Director or Shareholder, provided you request it, will adopt and undertake all decisions that you instruct them.
Nominee Shareholder – Declaration of Trust
If you appoint a nominee shareholder, you will need to protect your rights to your shares. Issuing a declaration of trust without any loopholes helps you to confirm your full ownership of your shares while the nominee represents you. We will include that as part of the company package when you choose nominee shareholder.
The Declaration of Trust (DOT) is an agreement in which the Nominee Shareholder is appointed to hold the shares in the company for you, but the DOT will indicate that you still have the full ownership of your shares.